Posted Friday, July 29, 2022
CMS has issued Change Request 12790, which ensures that Medicare systems are canceled corrected when they receive the Notice of Admission (NOA). The CR also makes sure medical review information is not removed if a claim is adjusted due to period sequence edits.
“When an NOA is submitted indicating the beneficiary transferred from another home health agency (HHA) and the NOA From date falls within the HH period of care of the previous HHA, the End date of the previous period is truncated to allow the transfer. If a transfer NOA is submitted in error and subsequently canceled, the TOB 032D will remove the transfer HHA’s admission period but will not restore the original calculated 30-day End date on the period of the previous HHA. This requires the previous HHA to cancel and resubmit their NOA before any of their claims can be processed. This is an avoidable administrative burden on that HHA.”
Source: NAHC
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