Posted Saturday, April 30, 2022
The Medicare Advantage hospice carve-in has been in the forefront among providers, and many are watching closely for the demonstration’s outcomes. The lesser-known payment model demo, the Medicare Care Choices Model (MCCM), has been hitting every target — reducing costs, improving quality and family satisfaction, and keeping patients in their homes.
If this model were to be instituted permanently, patients who are afraid or not ready for hospice care to receive the benefits without losing access to other services, according to Edo Banach, president and CEO of the National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO).
“If you get access to curative and palliative care, quality goes up and costs go down. There are folks who are scared to choose hospice who choose something that gives them access to curative care, which for some chronic conditions and serious illnesses there is none,” Banach said at the Hospice News Palliative Care Conference in Chicago. “But once they made that leap, they sought more palliative care, less curative care, within hospice.”
Click here for the full article.
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