CMS Seeking Feedback on Quality and Efficiency Measures

Posted on Friday, November 16, 2018 9:19 PM

This week, CMS posted a notice in the Federal Register, asking for approval on a survey and “qualitative interview guide” for the home health setting. Information received would be used to address critical needs regarding the impact of use of quality and efficiency measures, including the burden they impose on home health agencies, according to CMS.

“The collection efforts are part of the agency’s Home Health National Provider Survey and required by law as a result of a provision in the Social Security Act.  Findings from surveys and qualitative interviews would be used for multiple purposes, CMS stated in the Federal Register notice.”

Click here for the full article.

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Corridor is the nation’s preferred partner and trusted business advisor to home health and hospice providers, providing quality services and impactful results for 30 years. Focusing on key operational, regulatory and financial challenges, Corridor delivering industry-unique solutions and deep expertise in coding, clinical documentation review, compliance, billing and collections , consulting and provider staff education . At Corridor, we make the business of caring for people Better! For the most important industry updates and news that impacts home health and hospice, please make sure to sign up for our weekly newsletter to receive the latest up-to-date industry information direct to your inbox!

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