CMS to Resume Audits, Medical Reviews in August

POSTED ON MONDAY, July 20, 2020 

CMS suspended audits and medical reviews for Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) on March 30th due to COVID-19.  Last week, they announced that these enforcement activities will resume on August 3rd, no matter what the status of the pandemic is.

CMS directed hospices who are selected for review to speak to their contractor if they are unable to respond in a timely matter due to the public health emergency.  Hospice providers are concerned about facing an audit as they worry about the safety of their employees when they go back into the office to pull documents.

“Staff are already being pushed to the limits. We’re operating with constraints in terms of how we can access patients. We’re operating mostly virtually right now, which is cumbersome,” Peter Brunnick, president and CEO of Hospice & Palliative Care Charlotte Region told Hospice News. “To add the audit process, which would require getting staff in-house pulling records and sitting down with auditors, is counter to everything we’re doing now trying to be socially distant and practice safety.”

Click here for the full article


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