CMS Wants Members for New Technical Expert Panels (1)

CMS Wants Members for New Technical Expert Panels (1)

Posted on Monday, December 23, 2019 1:47 PM

CMS is looking for members to serve on two Technical Expert Panels (TEPs) – a Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Measures TEP and a Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Scorecard Measures Gap Development TEP.

CMS is working with The Lewin Group (Lewin) on a variety of measure development activities through a large project entitled Home and Community-Based Services Measure Development, Endorsement, Maintenance, and Alignment Contract.   One TEP is focused on HCBS measurement development and the other TEP is focused on addressing gaps in the Medicaid and CHIP Scorecard across a variety of topics.

Each TEP will have approximately 15 members, consisting of HCBS providers, individuals or family members, representatives from stakeholder groups impacted by the measure(s), clinicians, state Medicaid and CHIP administrators, researchers, health information technology (IT) experts, and others with differing perspectives and areas of subject matter expertise.

  • “Subject matter expertise valuable to the HCBS Measures TEP includes: HCBS delivery and functional assessment items/data collection instruments used in HCBS settings (e.g., familiarity with the Functional Assessment and Standardized Items (FASI) or similar instruments, familiarity with eligibility determinations and reassessments); HCBS programs, person-centered planning, long-term services and supports (LTSS), systems, best-practice models, and assessment methods/tools, as well as knowledge of cross-walking efforts related to current health care assessment instruments; Experience of care within HCBS (e.g., familiarity with the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems [CAHPS®] Home and Community Based Services Survey [HCBS CAHPS®] and similar instruments); Individual, family member, and caregiver perspective; Health IT and interoperability experience; Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS); Outcome measurement; and Quality improvement.
  • Subject matter expertise valuable to the Medicaid and CHIP Scorecard Measures Gap Development TEP includes: Medicaid and/or CHIP quality and data reporting; Medicaid and/or CHIP adult healthcare quality issues; Individual beneficiary/family member (caregiver) perspective; Behavioral health; HCBS care and delivery; Outcome measurement; and Quality improvement”

Nominations are due by January 16, 2020 by 8pm ET.  Click here for more information and nominations.

Source: NAHC report

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