Former CMS Administrator Seema Verma: Home-Based Care Can Turn Around CMS’ Investment Portfolio

Seema Verma, former CMS Administrator spoke at the Home Health Care 100 Conference last week and praised the new era of data-tracking, value-based care, and hospital at home. She expressed that home care is the new frontier in our health care system.

“I think this is the shift to the home, right?” Verma said. “This is the turning point. While its kind of had gone on before, COVID really accelerated [that shift]. At the same time, there’s a lot of new technology that’s out there that’s enabling it, whether it’s telehealth, whether it’s remote care. And I think that there’s an understanding and appreciation for what the potential for going out into the home is.”

Verma believes that there is room to grow in value-based care. Data needs to be collected to show how important skilled home care is to our clients.

Click here for the full article.

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