Hospices Step Up Grief Care to Support Providers in Other Settings

POSTED ON MONDAY, June 8, 2020 

Hospice providers face mortality more than most types of providers.  During this COVID-19 outbreak, they have recognized that there are many more people who need grief care than just their patient’s families, so they are stepping up and helping in these times.

“Hospices are already providing grief and bereavement support to their communities. I think you have a group of folks who are used to dealing with trauma, with death and dying, and the suffering that comes as a result of that. There’s a long history in hospice of dealing with not only the physical condition before you, but really dealing with how it manifests itself socially, emotionally, religiously and in every other way,” said Edo Banach, president and CEO of the National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO). “The interdisciplinary team that comes along with hospice gives us the tools with which to treat the many different dimensions not only of a patient’s needs, but of the needs of those who are bereaved after the individual dies.”

Some hospice providers are offering their services to medical professionals on the front line, others to families that have lost a loved one to the coronavirus.

Click here for the full article


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