Important Information for all HHA in Review Choice Demonstration under PDGM

Posted on Friday, January 3, 2020 8:02 PM

Home health agencies that are a part of the Review Choice Demonstration and selected the pre-claim review option (PCR) will be glad to know that CMS has released its long-awaited update confirming that HHAs will need to submit a PCR for each 30-day billing period.

Below is an excerpt from CMS’ update:

“For claims with dates of service of 1/1/2020 and after, HHAs will need to submit a PCR for each 30-day billing period. When requesting more than 30 days of services, the HHA can select the multiple episode/billing period option and submit two or more 30-day billing periods at the same time. In eServices, HHAs can select multiple episode(s)/billing periods once all tasks are completed for episode/billing period 1. For multiple episodes/billing periods, HHAs should enter the episode/billing period start and end dates, type of bill, HCPCS codes, and upload the POC, if changed, or refer back to the POC (Task 3) for episode/billing period 1. Each 30-day request will generate a separate UTN. When submitting the 30-day billing periods separately, all documentation for the episode must be submitted regardless if it is the first 30 days in the episode or the second 30 days in the episode.”

Source: NAHC Report

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Corridor is the nation’s preferred partner and trusted business advisor to home health and hospice providers, providing quality services and impactful results for 30 years. Focusing on key operational, regulatory and financial challenges, Corridor delivering industry-unique solutions and deep expertise in coding, clinical documentation review, compliance, billing and collections , consulting and provider staff education . At Corridor, we make the business of caring for people Better! For the most important industry updates and news that impacts home health and hospice, please make sure to sign up for our weekly newsletter to receive the latest up-to-date industry information direct to your inbox!

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