In-Home Care Providers Look to Avoid New Minefields as States Reopen

POSTED ON MONDAY, June 22, 2020 

As the shelter-in-place order is being lifted for the country, everyone is trying to safely go back to life as it was before COVID-19. Businesses are reopening but in-home health providers never stopped serving their patients.

“We’ve been pretty much business as usual as an organization from the start of the pandemic,” Peter Ross, CEO of Maryland-based Senior Helpers, told Home Health Care News. “We were given ‘essential personnel status’ as home care workers by pretty much every governor in the country.”

“Our staff in the offices around the country are going back to a more regular routine,” he said. “This includes our corporate franchise support center, which has been pretty much shut down by the governor of Maryland, preventing non-essential personnel from going into the office.”

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