POSTED ON MONDAY, June 8, 2020
NAHC and other organizations have joined forces in urging Senate leaders to save and empower access to care and delivery systems that disabled and older Americans depend upon. With the aging and disability communities facing unique risks of COVID-19 infection, additional resources and supports are necessary for their protection.
“In a letter to Senate leadership, NAHC supports assistance included the HEROES Act, recently passed by the House of Representatives. This letter uses the assistance in the HEROES Act as a guide for the Senate as it considers additional coronavirus legislation. Specifically, the letter discusses and encourages the following:
- Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) Increase – In the HEROES Act, the House acted to increase the federal share of the Medicaid program, the FMAP, to be sent to each state by 14 percent;
- Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) increase – Similar to the FMAP increase, the HEROES Act also calls for a specifically designated 10% increase for HCBS;
- Money Follows the Person – This Medicaid program makes funding available to states to use towards services and supports that enable beneficiaries to stay independent in their homes as opposed to taking residence in an institutional care setting;
- Spousal Impoverishment Protections – This Medicaid program provides financial protections against impoverishment for a person whose spouse is receiving Medicaid HCBS services;
- HCBS Infrastructure Improvement Act (S. 3277) – This proposed legislation would provide funding to improve the provision of Medicaid HCBS services, including wages and benefits for direct care workers;
- Family Care – As included in the HEROES Act, this would provide $850 million to cover the cost of providing child and elderly care for direct care workers enabling them to remain on the job performing essential work;
- Inclusion of direct support professionals, home health aides, and personal care attendants in a definition of essential workforce for purposes of essential workforce and hazard pay; and
- Medicare Special Enrollment Period – Would provide a new special enrollment period for Medicare Parts A and B enabling those that qualify immediate access to care.”
Source: NAHC Report
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