Providers Ask CMS to Change Proposed Warning Logo on Nursing Home Compare

Posted on Monday, October 21, 2019 11:31 AM

The American Health Care Association (AHCA) has asked CMS to change the proposed icon that alerts prospective patients that the facility had citations related to resident abuse that caused harm within the past year — as well as properties with citations for abuse that could have potentially resulted in harm in either of the preceding two years.

The proposed logo is an open hand inside a red circle, the AHCA is asking for it to be changed to an exclamation point inside a yellow triangle.  “The icon selected creates a strong visual recommendation ‘to stop and avoid’ going to this nursing home,” wrote ACHA President and CEO Mark Parkinson. “A red ‘stop sign,’ with a hand on it, is inconsistent with the message outlined in the press release that the information on the site should help ‘consumers develop a more complete understanding of a facility’s quality.’” 

Click here for the full article.

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