Posted on Thursday, May 4, 2017 7:50 PM
Six weeks after the repeal and replace Obamacare was on life support, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the American Health Care Act (AHCA) by a vote of 217 to 213 on May 4, 2017.
The following amendments are passed and now part of the AHCA:
• The McSally Amendment
• The Upton Amendment
The MacArthur Amendment was released to update parts of the AHCA and bridge the gap between conservative and moderate Republicans.
The MacArthur Amendment would:
• Reinstate essential health benefits (EHBs) as the federal standard
• Continue the prohibition on denying coverage due to preexisting medical conditions and discrimination based on gender
• Enable the issue of coverage to all applicants
• Authorize renewability of coverage
• Grant coverage of dependents on parents’ plan up to age 26
• Provide Community Rating Rules
VNAA will continue to provide information on this debate.
For the full article, please see the VNAA Member Update titled – Breaking News: The American Health Care Act Passes in the U.S. House of Representatives.
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