Right at Home CEO Bran Petranick: Providers Can’t Overlook ‘Loneliness Epidemic’ Among Seniors

POSTED ON MONDAY, June 15, 2020 

In 2019, 34% of adults between the age of 50 to 80 disclosed feeling lonely.  Due to this year’s pandemic, that percentage is sure to rise.  Many companies are trying to focus on this population to try to help them feel more included.  Right at Home has never stopped tackling loneliness for its clients, according to CEO and President Brian Petranick.

HHCN: The coronavirus has made older adults even more vulnerable to loneliness. That’s something senior care advocates had actually been calling “an epidemic” for years. Why?

Petranick: It’s probably for a couple of different reasons. I think, generally, our seniors can tend to feel isolated. For a lot of people, aging is a lonely process. They’re alone. They’re maybe separated from their families. Maybe their spouse has passed away.

It’s often difficult to get out and do the things that they like to do in normal times. It’s difficult [for seniors] to go to church, get to the store or different things like that. Now, I think what’s happened during the pandemic is that this has been exacerbated. It’s been, partly, exacerbated due to the fact that family members now can’t come into the house, in some cases.

Even the day-day-day activities the seniors were recently able to do — maybe that’s getting together with friends once a week to play bridge — have stopped.”

Click here to read the full interview.


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