Posted Saturday, May 21, 2022
On Thursday, May 19th, US Senators Baldwin (D-WI) and Moore-Capito (R-WV) reintroduced the Palliative Care & Hospice Education and Training Act (PCHETA) (S.4260) Long a priority for the end-of-life and serious illness care community, PCHETA would authorize funding for major investments to build, support, and nurture the specialty hospice and palliative care workforce. It is expected that a House companion bill will be re-introduced soon as well.
“Access to high quality palliative and hospice care services is vital for patients and their families,” Capito said in a statement. “As a caregiver for parents living with Alzheimer’s disease, I saw firsthand just how valuable these services are. In order to preserve access to this care, our bill would strengthen training and education opportunities for individuals working in these fields.”
Click here for the full article.
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