Posted Monday, December 7, 2020
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that hospices can include reduced fundraising and philanthropic dollars as lost revenue in their applications to the Provider Relief Fund.
“After reimbursing health care-related expenses attributable to coronavirus that were unreimbursed by other sources, providers may use remaining [provider relief funds] to cover any lost revenue, measured as a negative change in year-over-year actual revenue from patient care-related sources,” HHS officials said in the letter. “PRF funds may be used to reimburse lost revenue attributable to coronavirus, and lost fundraising and thrift store revenue may qualify as reimbursable lost revenue.”
Click here for the full article.
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For over 30 years, Corridor has partnered with home-based care providers, delivering powerful solutions to support the unique challenges of caring for patients in the home. Our team of operating executives, clinicians, and nationally renowned industry experts have run provider organizations and resolved the same challenges you face.
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