Posted on Monday, December 14, 2015 11:27 AM
The United States Senate passed legislation on December 3, 2015 to repeal specific Affordable Care Act provisions . This includes the individual and employer mandates, the Cadillac Tax, and phase out of the Medicaid expansion and subsidies for those individuals who would choose to purchase coverage through insurance exchanges. This is the first time the Senate has voted to repeal the ACA, though the House of Representatives has voted for the repeal multiple times. The bill passed by a vote of 52 – 47 where only 51 votes were needed for passage. Interestingly, no Democrat voted for this legislation, and two Republicans opposed the bill after a failed attempt to strike language from the measure that would prevent funding for Planned Parenthood. – Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) and Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL). The House of Representatives will need to consider the changes made by the Senate before the bill is sent to President Barack Obama, who has vowed he will veto the legislation. Republicans have stated that, although the President has stated will veto the bill, it will serve as a blueprint for repealing the ACA under a Republican president. To read the full article, click here.
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