Posted on Friday, March 31, 2017 5:45 PM
There have been several requests from healthcare industry leaders to push pack the CoP effective date to at least six months – and that’s exactly what happened.
On March 31, 2017, The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced a delay in the final rule “Medicare and Medicaid Programs: Conditions of Participation for Home Health Agencies.”
The current effective date for the final rule is July 13, 2017, but the rule has now been delayed for an additional six months, changing the effective date to January 13, 2018.
Additionally, there is a 60-day window for agencies to comment on the proposed rule now that it’s been published in the Federal Register. Click here to view it in the Federal Register.
While the delay allows your agency more time to prepare, these next couple of months will go by fast. Therefore, your agency needs to continue preparation and stay up-to-speed on education. Corridor’s Home Health CoP Compliance Workbook can assist your organization in preparing to meet the newly revised CoPs.
To learn more about this exciting new offering, please check out the Home Health CoP Compliance Workbook on the Corridor Bookstore or contact Wilda Cooper at 913-693-4105 or
About Corridor
Corridor is the nation’s preferred partner and trusted business advisor to home health and hospice providers, providing quality services and impactful results for 30 years. Focusing on key operational, regulatory and financial challenges, Corridor delivering industry-unique solutions and deep expertise in coding, clinical documentation review, compliance, billing and collections , consulting and provider staff education . At Corridor, we make the business of caring for people Better! For the most important industry updates and news that impacts home health and hospice, please make sure to sign up for our weekly newsletter to receive the latest up-to-date industry information direct to your inbox!
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