CMS Considering New Hospice Quality Measure

POSTED ON MONDAY, August 17, 2020

CMS and its contractor Abt Associates, held a webinar about a new claims-based composite quality measure concept that CMS is considering including in the Hospice Quality Reporting Program (HQRP), the Hospice Care Index (HCI). “Potential indicators that were shared include:

• Skilled visits
• Service utilization
• Access to all levels of care
• Transitions
• Readmissions

Each indicator would have a threshold criterion based on the performance of all hospices. The threshold would likely be set at an outlier point which would identify all hospices performing at this outlier point. In other words, it would identify hospices that perform outside the norm for all hospices. An individual hospice’s score would be calculated as the total number of instances that the hospice met threshold criterion of the multiple indicators.

Most hospices would perform like their peers. It is anticipated that Hospice Compare would identify those hospices that met the majority of indicator thresholds.“

Source: NAHC Report


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