Posted Sunday, March 21, 2021
Hospices are looking to build efficiency into their workflows during the pandemic and prepare for value-based payment models. Numerous providers are turning to emerging technologies to support those efforts including artificial intelligence, telehealth, and robotic process automation.
Payment models that are newly available to hospice include the Medicare Advantage hospice carve-in, as well as the soon-to-be implemented direct contracting options. A third payment structure, the Primary Care First Serious Illness Population model, has been delayed by CMS as they said that the model is under review.
“COVID has really accelerated what was already occurring — a much more authentic or organic focus on costs, improving outcomes and the patient experience while reducing the overall cost of care,” said Michael Lang, CEO and co-founder of NurseCare.AI. “Post-acute providers are in a perfect situation to implement true efficiencies through tech-enabled care improvements, and hospice in particular is going to need to do this with the value-based reimbursement programs.”
Click here for the full article.
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