Posted Saturday, April 3, 2021
CMS created a COVID-19 inspired relief measure called the “Acute Hospital Care at Home” waiver this past November.
Hospital-at-home programs try to provide acute, hospital quality care in the home instead of a hospital, which is more expensive. Programs try to identify eligible patients whose medical needs can be cared for in the home setting through coordinated nursing and clinician visits, plus necessary testing, and treatment.
This model is perfect for the growing preference for home-based care instead of institutional settings.
“I think CMS wanted to develop something that was relatively simple, relatively understandable, relatively uncomplicated in terms of what the payment would look like,” Dr. Bruce Leff, a professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, told Home Health Care News. “What they chose to do is basically create a process where hospitals that could attest to being able to provide hospital-at-home services … would be able to get paid a standard hospital DRG payment in a fee-for-service context.”
Click here for the full article.
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For over 30 years, Corridor has partnered with home-based care providers, delivering powerful solutions to support the unique challenges of caring for patients in the home. Our team of operating executives, clinicians, and nationally renowned industry experts have run provider organizations and resolved the same challenges you face.
Focusing on key operational, regulatory and financial challenges, Corridor delivers solutions and deep expertise in coding, clinical documentation, compliance, billing and education.
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