NAHC Webinar:  CMS Plans Sweeping Survey Reforms & Implications for Hospice Providers

Posted Sunday, July 11, 2021

In mid-2019, the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the Inspector General (OIG) issued reports that raised considerable concerns in Congress, at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and among hospice stakeholders. While the OIG’s findings indicated that a relatively small percentage of hospice providers are found to have serious deficiencies and/or substantiated complaints, the reports set off a firestorm of activity aimed at reforming the hospice survey process.

In late 2020 the Congress enacted significant changes to the hospice survey process, including creation of a “Special Focus” program for poor performing hospice providers, expansion of the remedies that CMS can use to penalize seriously deficient hospices, and requirements that CMS make survey findings publicly available.

On June 25, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued proposed implementing regulations for these legislative reforms. On a separate track, CMS has been revising its guidance to hospice surveyors to better emphasize issues related to quality of care.

During this session, experts from the National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) will review the legislative reforms, discuss CMS’ proposed plans and timing for implementing the reforms, and provide an initial view of what we may see as part of the revised surveyor guidance.


  1.  Discuss statutory reforms applicable to the hospice survey process
  2. Outline CMS’ plans and the timing for implementation of the reforms
  3. Share available information related to CMS’ planned updates to the hospice survey process
  4. Identify ways that hospice providers can prepare for this wide array of changes

Date: Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Time: 1pm – 2pm ET

Free to NAHC Members, $99 for Non-Members.

Click here to register.

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