POSTED ON MONDAY, June 29, 2020
Both hospice and home health providers will resume quality data reporting July 1, 2020. For three calendar quarters – October 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 – the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) provided an exception for hospice and home health providers from submitting quality data due to the current Public Health Emergency (PHE). With the exception ending June 30, 2020, providers will need to comply with all reporting requirements beginning July 1 in order to avoid the 2% payment update penalty. For hospices, this means compliance with the HIS and CAHPS Hospice Survey reporting requirements:
- All HIS Admissions and HIS Discharges occurring on or after July 1, 2020
- CAHPS Hospice Survey for eligible patients with dates of death July 1, 2020 or after. The reporting period for 2020 is July 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020.
For home health agencies, this means compliance with the OASIS and Home Health CAHPS Survey reporting requirements. For home health agencies that are part of the Value Based Purchasing (VBP) model, CMS has not yet provided details about how the reporting exceptions will impact VBP performance calculations, but agencies in this model will need to resume reporting July 1. Stay tuned to NAHC Report for more information as it becomes available.
Source: NAHC Report
About Corridor
Corridor is the nation’s preferred partner and trusted business advisor to home health and hospice providers, providing quality services and impactful results for 30 years. Focusing on key operational, regulatory and financial challenges, Corridor delivering industry-unique solutions and deep expertise in coding, clinical documentation review, compliance, billing and collections , consulting and provider staff education . At Corridor, we make the business of caring for people Better! For the most important industry updates and news that impacts home health and hospice, please make sure to sign up for our weekly newsletter to receive the latest up-to-date industry information direct to your inbox!
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