Posted Saturday, March 26, 2022
The Senate Special Committee on Aging met last week to debate the improvement and expansion of home-based services, particularly home-and-community based services, a consistent priority for committee chairman Senator Bob Casey (D-PA). Witnesses and Senators frequently cited. Casey’s Better Care Better Jobs (BCBJ) Act, strongly supported by NAHC, as it is the foundation for the HCBS provisions included in the Build Back Better (BBB) Act, the stalled health care, social service, and climate legislation that was a focus for much of 2021.
The most recent version of that legislation passed by the House of Representatives would provide $150 billion investment into Medicaid HCBS, permanency of the Money Follows the Person program, protections against spousal impoverishment for HCBS recipients, and several other policies intended to improve the provision of Medicaid HCBS.
While the version of Build Back Better passed by the House is not expected to see further consideration in the Senate, work continues to be done on compiling a package of provisions consistent with the intent of BBB, though no specifics are agreed to at this point.
Source: NAHC
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For over 30 years, Corridor has partnered with home-based care providers, delivering powerful solutions to support the unique challenges of caring for patients in the home. Our team of operating executives, clinicians, and nationally renowned industry experts have run provider organizations and resolved the same challenges you face.
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