Posted on Monday, October 26, 2020
Due to COVID-19, providers are having to keep their high-risk patients isolated to protect them from exposure to the virus. This is causing an already isolated group of people to be even more alone. Dying is already hard to process and lonely, being more physically alone is making it even harder on this population.
“Dying is inherently lonely and isolating and made worse when people are actually removed from their loved ones,” said Christopher Kerr, CEO and chief medical officer of Hospice & Palliative Care Buffalo in New York. “It’s ultimately a closing of a life, not just a medical phenomena, and that life is defined by relationships. The pandemic has taken a difficult situation and made it multiple times worse. It’s in moments of crisis and need that we need to connect ourselves to those people that give our life meaning. The opposite happened that when we most needed to be reconnected to those we love, we were removed.”
Click here for the full article
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