Posted Sunday, October 17, 2021
The University of Rochester School of Nursing is researching polypharmacy in the home setting and are looking for interested stakeholders to assist them in this study. NAHC believes this research is important and has agreed to help recruit people to take part in the research.
What is the study about?
Optimizing medication use for home health patients. The purpose of this study is to learn from health care professionals such as yourself in the acute, post-acute and primary care, and home health care. Researchers are interested in learning your thoughts on:
- polypharmacy in home health care,
- the idea of reducing or stopping certain medications that are no longer needed or without clear benefits to the patient, and
- the best way to do so through multi-setting and multi-disciplinary collaboration.
Your input will help us design a home health-based, interdisciplinary, telehealth-delivered deprescribing intervention that can reduce or stop the intake of unnecessary medications.
Who is needed?
- Home Health Care Nurses
- Home Health Care Agency Managers
- Home Health Care Agency Directors
You may participate in:
- Up to 2 online focus groups about deprescribing for home health patients and the use of telehealth.
- One online strategy session to hear what you think about statements others have made on these topics.
If you decide to take part in this study, you could be asked to participate in two focus groups. and you might be contacted to see if you are interested in joining another part of the study called “concept mapping.” Each focus group would take place on a different day, several weeks apart. The focus groups would be conducted over the computer using Zoom.
In the focus groups, you would be asked to share your thoughts on:
- the idea of reducing the number of prescribed medications that patients take, particularly medications that are unlikely to be helpful and no longer needed;
- the idea of using “telehealth” (which could mean things like video-conferencing over the internet) as a way for patients to work with their health care providers on reducing the number of medications that people take while in home care.
If you take part in the concept mapping activity, you would:
- be asked a question about simplifying medication regimens and have an opportunity to
share your thoughts; - help organize and rate statements that others have made about reducing or stopping
certain medications.
What will you receive?
You will receive $50 each time you participate; the total is up to $150. Your participation will last about 1 ½ to 2 hours for each focus group, and 1 ½ to 2 ½ hours if you participate in the concept mapping. If you participate in all three parts of the study, it would take about 4 ½ to 5 ½ hours in total over several months.
Source: University of Rochester School of Nursing
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